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История: ссылки и "общее"


Историко-родословное общество в Москве. Продолжение традиций историко-родословных исследований, научная разработка проблем отечественной генеалогии, изучение истории родов и семей.


"Мир истории". Российский ежемесячный электронный журнал, целью которого является распространение исторического знания, рассказ о достижениях и проблемах современной исторической науки в России и за рубежом.

41. Этот день в истории.События дня. Знаменитости, родившиеся и умершие в этот день





History > Links 18th Century History
The Age of Reason and Change

AlternaTime - Timelines
A collection of Timelines on the Web from the standard "Timelines of History" to popular culture "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chronology."
By George Emery, Librarian, Canisius College

Annotated Webliography of Humanism
"This is a collection of websites related to humanism. It is an ANNOTATED and SELECTIVE list. The selection and annotation reflect my considered personal judgment. Hardly any evaluative comments are given, but inclusion of a site in this webliography of humanism means that I think it is a good site, worth visiting."
By Dr. Peter Derkx, Associate Professor History of Humanism, University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Best of History Web Sites
"...is a portal created for students, history educators, and general history enthusiasts. Here you'll find sites, rated for usefulness and accuracy, that will help you study or teach a wide variety of topics and periods in History."
Sections include: Prehistory ; Ancient/Biblical ; Medieval ; U.S. History ; Early Modern European ; 20th Century ; World War II ; Art History ; General Resources ; Maps ; Lesson Plans ; Multimedia ; Research ; Teaching with Technology.

Calendars through the Ages
"History and FAQ's of calendars, from ancient Rome to outer space. Including Julian, Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, Chinese, and Mayan."
From WebExhibits

Current Value of Old Money
"A frequent question is "how much would a specified amount of money at a certain period of time be worth today?" The sources listed below are useful in attempting to answer this question. They are not about the value of old coins and banknotes."
By Roy Davies

"...we bring history to life. The first internet news site which takes a look back. Packed with all the features of your favourite news site. With one big difference. We turn history into current affairs."
By Neil Coghlan

Distinguished Women of Past and Present
"This site has biographies of women who contributed to our culture in many different ways. There are writers, educators, scientists, heads of state, politicians, civil rights crusaders, artists, entertainers, and others. Some were alive hundreds of years ago and some are living today."
By Danuta Bois

Footnotes to History
"This work provides an overview of ephemeral states, micronations, secessionist states, and every other kind of country you never heard of in high school. From Maryland in Africa to the Republic of West Florida to the Centro-Caspian Dictatorship..."
By James L. Erwin

The History Guide
"...has been created for the high school and undergraduate student who is either taking classes in history, or who intends to major in history in college. The purpose of The History Guide is to better prepare yourself for your history classes and to make your time in class more enjoyable and proficient. The History Guide contains the complete content of three undergraduate courses in European history which will certainly be of use to those of you studying such topics at the college level or in A.P. European history classes. Upon its completion, The History Guide will contain more than seventy lectures in European history from ancient Sumer to the fall of Soviet-style communism in 1989."
By Steven Kreis

History Guide
"...is an Internet-based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in history with a focus on Anglo-American history and the history of Central and Western Europe. Meanwhile it is maintained in cooperation between Gˆttingen State and University Library (History Guide) and Bavarian State Library (InformationsWeiser Geschichte). Resources are described and evaluated with a set of Dublin Core metadata."

History Resources

The Web site of the Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London
"In addition to the evaluation and cataloguing of on-line resources in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, HISTORY provides high quality information about the history profession including books, articles, theses, seminars and historians (searchable as HISTORY On-Line)."

History On-Line
"The history web sites can be browsed according to Type of History, Geographical Area and Time Period, and also by Type of Resource (library, dataset etc.). The section listing General Reference Sources provides easy access to a collection of on-line dictionaries, directories, library catalogues and Higher Education resources of more general interest.
- Institute of Historical Research, University of London

Sections include: World History ; Timelines ; Specialist Articles ; By Region ; By Category.

International Federation for Research in Women's History

Internet Resources in History
Besides an extensive collection of history listings this site also has sections on Social Science Data and Databases, Social Welfare Related Information, International Studies and International Sites, and more.
Dept. of History, Tennessee Technological University

The Library of Congress
Emphasis is on U.S. history but also contains a great Country Studies section as well as other international resources

Links  of History and the Social Sciences

Map History / History of Cartography
"Early maps, and the resources and activities associated with them, form the subject of over 100 'pages' on this site. All the worthwhile information about old maps can be found here, directly or indirectly. You will find comment and guidance, and links to hundreds of other sites - selected for relevance and quality."
Edited by Tony Campbell, Map Librarian, British Library

Nachrichtendienst f¸r HistorikerInnen
German News Service for Historians

Network of Concerned Historians - (dead link)

Northeastern University - World History Center
Sections include: Working Papers ; World History Databank ; Demographic Simulations of Migration ; Bibliography ; Faculty Research ; Doctoral Research ; AP World History ; Links.

Online Resources For Historians
Sections include: Searching the Internet ; Primary Sources Online ; Library Catalogues ; Maps & Images ; Historical Societies, Associations, Archives, Web Guides ; History Websites ; Journals & Periodicals ; Bibliographies ; On-line Reference Works ; Publishers' Websites.
Includes resources in English, French, German, and Other Languages.
- University of Oxford - The Faculty of History

PBS - American Masters - Robert Capa (May 2003)
"Nothing tells a story like a picture - and Robert Capa's pictures are some of the most famous in the world. Capa, the preeminent documentarian of 20th century war, photographed five epic conflicts on three different continents."
Sections include: Feature Essay ; Career Timeline ; Additional Footage ; Filmmaker Interview ; For Teachers.

PBS - Frontline - Ghosts of Rwanda (April 2004)
"How could it happen that America and the West stood aside and did nothing to stop the slaughter of 800,000 human beings over 100 days? On the 10th anniversary of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the powerful story of those who participated in the world's failure to act, those few who stood up and tried to save lives, and all who are still deeply haunted by what they did."
Sections include: Analysis ; Interviews ; Timeline ; Rwanda Today ; Links & Readings ; Teacher's Guide.

PBS - Guns, Germs, & Steel
Companion web site to the July 2005 series.
"Peeling back the layers of history, Guns, Germs and Steel exposes the great forces that have shaped human history over the last 10,000 years. Based on the multi-million selling book by renowned academic Jared Diamond the television series - and this web site - will take you on a 10,000 year journey through history, and across every continent of our world..."
Sections include: Variables ; The World ; The Show ; Resources ; Educators.

Peace History Society

Resources for the Study of World Civilizations
Sections include: General Resources ; Course Syllabi by Teacher ; Resources for Teachers. Included in the General Resources section are online selections from the Reading About the World: A Reader for the Study of World Civilizations.
Maintained by Paul Brains, Washington State University

"This site contains lists of heads of state and heads of government (and, in certain cases, de facto leaders not occupying either of those formal positions) of all countries and territories, going back to about 1700 in most cases."
By B. Schemmel

The Silk Road Seattle Project
"Silk Road Seattle is a collaborative public education project using the "Silk Road" theme to explore cultural interaction across Eurasia from the beginning of the Common Era (A. D.) to the Sixteenth Century. Sponsored primarily by the Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington, and directed by Professors Daniel C. Waugh, Joel Walker and Cynthea Bogel, the project will include: public lectures and seminars, a virtual art exhibit, photographic and textile exhibits, a general education course as well as professional development seminars and workshops for educators, and a web site containing additional materials."
Sections include: Texts ; Cities and Architecture ; Traditional Culture ; Teaching/Learning Guides ; Virtual Art Exhibit ; Buddhist MSS Project ; Maps ; For Kids.
Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington

University History
"University History promotes the development of international standards for e-scholarship. It contains links to hundreds of online sources that are closely examined before inclusion. Only the highest quality sources are included."
- University of Canterbury School of History, New Zealand

Using Primary Sources on the Web
"This brief guide is designed to provide students and researchers with information to help them evaluate the internet sources and the quality of primary materials that can be found online."
Sections include: What are Primary Sources? ; Finding Primary Sources on the Web ; Evaluating Primary Source Web Sites ; Citing Web Sites.
Written by the American Library Association - Reference and User Services Association - History Section.

Voice of the Shuttle: History Page
Maintained by Alan Liu, Dept. of English, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Links for the History Profession
- Organization of American Historians

Witches on the Web: A Review of Some Scholarly Sites on Witches
By Fabienne Baider and Anita Liang
"This page consists of a single but scholarly essay that examines the current state of scholarship on gender and the European witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It also suggests some directions for further work such as the mirror image of the saint/witch female icons."
World Wide Web Reviews (Fem. Coll. v.20, no.2, Winter 1999)

World History
79 online chapters on Antiquity, The Middle Ages, and Notes on the 20th Century.
E-texts and maps by Frank Smitha.

World History Archives
"...a collection of resources to support the study and teaching of world history and history in general."
A very well organized collection of Internet resources. Sections include a geographically organized tree of history links; World history archives; Images from history; Discussion lists, Departments, Social progress; Electronic documents online, and a lot more
- Hartford Web Publishing

World History Compass
A well organized and current collection of links

World History: HyperHistory Online
"...presents 3000 years of world history with a combination of colorful graphics, lifelines, timelines, and maps."

World Monuments Fund
"...is the foremost private, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic art and architecture worldwide through fieldwork, advocacy, grantmaking, education, and training."

World Statesmen
"...is an encyclopedia of nations, colonies, international and religious
organizations, and other polities and their rulers mostly from the year 1700 until today. General country facts, links, and multiple indexes will help you explore the fascinatingworld of global politics and history."
By Benjamin Cahoon

Additional Sites of Interest

History of Education
Selected Moments of the 20th Century
"This is a non-comprehensive site about education during the 20th century, organized by decades. It includes a short description of a variety of 'educational episodes' that took place in that period...Although its current emphasis is on North American educational developments, there is an ongoing effort to include more international content."
By Daniel Schugurensky, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

Maintained by Mike Madin.
Academic Info http://www.academicinfo.net/histaameta.html


Organizations and Institutions

American Association for the History of Medicine

American Association for State and Local History (AASLH)

American Association of University Professors

American Council of Learned Societies

American Historical Association

American Jewish Historical Society

American Studies Association

Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities

Center for History and New Media

Center for the Study of the American South

Community College Humanities Association

Country Grain Elevator Historical Society

Documentary Editing


Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

The Historical Society

H-Net: Humanities On-Line

Indiana University Center for the Study of History & Memory

The Library of Congress

National Archives and Records Administration

Our Documents Project

National Coalition for History

National Council for History Education

National Council for the Social Studies

National Coalition of Independent Scholars

National Council on Public History

National History Day

National History Standards / National Center for History in the Schools

National Endowment for the Humanities

National Humanities Alliance

National Initiative for Networked Cultural Heritage

National Park Service  

National Trust for Historic Preservation

New Jersey Historical Commission

New Jersey History Partnership

Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture

Oral History Association

Politics and History Page, APSA

Public History Resource Center

Scholarly Societies Project

Social Science History Association

Social Studies School Service

Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Society for History in the Federal Government

Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP)

Society of American Archivists

Society of Architectural Historians

Southern Historical Association

Smithsonian Institution

U.S. Library of Congress

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Government Printing Office

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Western Jewish History Center

Teaching and Research Sources

Academic Info: History Home Page and Index

The Best of History

Beyond Academe

Center for Social Studies & International Education





ESCN Database Reports: A Quick Reference Index to Early South Carolina Newspapers


Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History


History Now

Historical Text Archive

The History Guide (from Gotteningen Germany)

History Links from Yahoo

History Matters

The History Project

H-Net: Humanities On-Line

Internet Resources in History

The Learning Page

The Library of Congress


Manuscript Society

Medical Humanities: Recent Dissertations

The National Archives and Records Administration

National Archives and Records Administration Digital Classroom

National Archives' Digitized Images Project: NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL)

National Coalition for History

The National Constitution Center

National Park Service

Directory of National Park Service Historians

National Park Service History in the Parks

National Park Service Tools for Teaching

Teaching with Historic Places

New Deal Network

Newberry Library

Northeast Historic Film Moving Image Archives

OAH Teaching Resources

Papers of Abraham Lincoln

The Port Chicago Mutiny

Related Readings in the Humanities, Univ of Virginia

Samuel Gompers Papers

Tennessee Technological University History Site

The Presidential Libraries IDEA Network

Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet

US Diplomatic History Resources Index

Valley of the Shadow: Documents on the Civil War

WestWeb: Online resources on the history of the American West

Women in World History CurriculumWomen and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930


Chronicle Careers

Public History Resource Center

H-Net Job Guide

NCPH Job Listings and Resources

Cultural Commons


Common-Place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life

The Concord Review

The History Cooperative

The History E-Book Project

History Matters

History News Network

History News Service

H-Net: Humanities On-Line

Journal of Modern Jewish Studies

Project Muse: Journals On-Line


The Chronicle of Higher Education

Winterthur Portfolio: A Journal of American Material Culture




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