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Литература на  английском языке


English Literature

English Literature Links

Directory of Internet Resources on Literature

English Literature for students

ANCIENT LITERATURE, Classical to Mid-Renaissance (1-13-05) 

- Ancient Literature: www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient

- Aristophanes, Lysistrata: http://eserver.org/drama/aristophanes/lysistrata.txt or
http://www.pecosdesign.com/lys/script.html (newer);

- Boccaccio, The Decameron: http://www.idbsu.edu/courses/hy309/docs/decameron/decameron.html 

- Chaucer, Canterbury Tales: http://www.idbsu.edu/courses/hy309/docs/chaucer/chaucer.html 

- Classics: http://classics.mit.edu

- Homer: www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/agm/ (Homeric singing)

- King Arthur: Historical person, www.kingarthursknights.com/arthur/legendary.asp.  
History of legend, www.wwnorton.com/nael/middleages/topic_2/welcome.htm.  
History of Malory book and Caxton edition, www.legends.dm.net/kingarthur/malory.html. 
Le Morte Darthur
—Sir Thomas Malory’s full-text, 1470 A.D. story—in nine “books,” http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/Mal1Mor.html.  
Illustrated, larger-text version of same book, http://www.mysticrealms.org.uk/malory/.   
Synopsis of T.H. White’s The Once and Future King, http://www2.netdoor.com/~moulder/thwhite/toafk_a.html.  
Synopsis and preview of John Steinbeck’s The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0374523789/102-0703361-9320917.

- Machiavelli: http://www.constitution.org/mac/prince00.htm (The Prince--full text), http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/machiavelli (philosophy of), http://town-court.com/article/70/show (other online resources).

- Mallory, Sir Thomas: See "King Arthur."

- Medieval Illuminated (illustrated, hand-painted) Manuscripts:
http://www.clues.abdn.ac.uk:8080/besttest/alt/comment/best_toc.html (12th c. Aberdeen Bestiary),
http://www.bnf.fr/enluminures/aaccueil.htm (14th c.), 
 (Hill Monastic Library, St. John's College, Collegeville, Minnesota), 
 (Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry), 
 (Irish Book of Kells) 

- Montaigne, Essays: http://www.idbsu.edu/courses/hy309/docs/montaigne/montaigne.html 

- Sophocles: Antigone, http://classics.mit.edu/sophocles/antigone.html
Oedipus Rex
readable & printable contemporary trans. at  http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/4979/oedipus.html
 (notes on Antigone)

AUTHORS BY NAME, Late Renaissance-Contemporary  (1-13-05)

- Angelou, Maya: www.mayaangelou.com 
- Carroll, Lewis, an unpublished personal scrapbook with photos and illustrations:
- Franklin, Ben, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin:   
- Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: www.rpg.net/quail/libyrinth/gabo  
- Morrison, Toni: http://www.swisseduc.ch/english/readinglist/morrison_toni/index.html
- Poe, Edgar Allan: http://knowingpoe.thinkport.org/  
- Shakespeare: see below (click here to go directly down)
Steinbeck, John. See "King Arthur."
Twain, Mark: www.marktwainhouse.org   
- Vonnegut, Kurt: www.duke.edu/~crh4/kv  
- White, T.H. See "King Arthur."



- InfoTrac ELM: http://web1.infotrac.galegroup.com/itw/infomark/535/264/48078381w1/purl=rc6_-CA&dyn=3!specstart_5?sw_aep=mnkinver 120,000 authors searchable by name, subject, or title.

- Authors on Tour: www.authorsontour.com.  African-American authors on tour, biographies, reader reviews, author Web pages, bookstores.

- Bedford St. Martin: "LitLinks." Over 600 authors and supplementary links.

- American Authors: http://english.cla.umn.edu/faculty/zeck/AmerAuthorHome.htm (info on American literature authors often taught at University of Minnesota)

- Book Spot: http://www.bookspot.com (miscellany)

- Famous Poets and Poems: http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/  

- Literature.com: http://literature.com (miscellany)    

- Literature.org: http://literature.org (30 literary authors)

- RealLiterature: http://www.realliteraturedir.com/.  Authors' biographies and literary works.

- University of Minnesota: http://english.cla.umn.edu (scroll down to "Projects & Conferences": the first four projects have links to authors)


- Caldecott Medal: www.ala.org/alsc/caldecott.html
- National Book Awards: www.publishersweekly.com/nbf/docs/awards.html
- Newbery Medal: www.ala.org/alsc/newbery.html
- Nobel Prizes: www.nobel.se
- Pulitzer:


- www.loc.gov/international: "Global Gateway--World Culture & Resources"

- Bedford St. Martin's: "LitLinks."  Over 600 authors and supplementary links

- Online Books Library: Over 20,000 full books online
- Bedford St. Martin's: quizzes about 500 literary works  
- www.google.com: Type, using quotation marks at both ends, "Links to Literature."

- www.googlelittrips.com/: Great road trips in literature
- www.todayinliterature.com: misc.
- http://www.swisseduc.ch/english/: misc. aimed at secondary students but useful to others     

- www.GoogleLitTrips.com: Google Literary Trips (requires software download)

- Study Guides: www.CliffNotes.com and www.SparkNotes.com.  Useful additions to reading your literature.


- http://bedfordstmartins.com/litgloss: Bedford St. Martin's literary glossary of over 200 terms 
- http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/.  Short dictionary of terms
- http://www.ren.dm.net/compendium/home.html.  Elizabethan language


- http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/Kowalski/112: Harry's Blues Lyrics Online
- www.mudcat.org: the Mudcat Café--blues and traditional folk        
- www.summer.com.br/~pfilho/summer.html: top hits of 1932-19??        
- www.afn.org/~afn30091/80songs.html: 500 hits from Reagan era, ultimate 80s songs         
- www.bbhq.com/lyrics.htm: Baby Boomer Headquarters Music Room Lyrics


- American Literature (Library of Congress): http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/tr33.html
- American Literature (links to): http://english.cla.umn.edu/faculty/zeck/AmerAuthorHome.htm
- American Literature (poetry, some novels): http://www.bartleby.com
- Ancient Literature: www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient
British Literature, 18th century: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/   (go to bottom of page)
Classics: http://classics.mit.edu
Drama: http://eserver.org/drama/
- Elizabethan England, life in: http://www.ren.dm.net/compendium/home.html.  
- Grimm brothers (12 tales): http://www.nationalgeographic.com/grimm/
- Misc. (Electronic Text Center, Univ. of Virginia): http://etext.virginia.edu
- Misc. "e-texts": http://www.gutenberg.net 
- Misc. (Internet Public Library): http://www.ipl.org: (9500 online texts, 2300 magazines and journals, links to newspapers around the world).
- Misc. "Literature and Composition Resources" on the Web: http://www.frostburg.edu/dept/engl/gartner/Litcomp.htm.
- Misc. literature, reference, research, & religious: www.bibliomania.com
- Misc. literature, reviews, et al.: http://literature.com  
- Misc. literature sites (from MCTE News): www.overbooked.org/index.html
- Misc.: www.fitzroydearborn.com/pubsub.htm#literature
- Misc. (novels--analysis and full-text classics): http://www.novelguide.com   
- Misc. (public domain classics): http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/fiction/ and http://eserver.org (both URLs lead to the same server)
- Misc., Univ. of Minn. English Dept.: http://english.cla.umn.edu: scroll down to "Projects &  Conferences."  The first 4 projects have links to literary works--or links to links.
- Misc. (Rutgers—organized by geography and time period): http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Lit/. 
- Misc. list of literature sites: www.accessmagazine.com/literature. 
- Poetry, American (MLA-recommended; large site): http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/.
- Poetry: Famous Poets and Poems, http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/  
- Poetry:
"World’s premier online recordings of poets reading their work” - http://www.poetryarchive.org/poetryarchive/home.do
- Shakespeare (annotated guide to online resources and literary criticism): http://daphne.palomar.edu/Shakespeare
- Shakespeare (complete works, glossary, search by word or work): http://tech-two.mit.edu/shakespeare/works.html
- Shakespeare (essays about life and times; synopsis of every play, scene by scene): www.shakespeare-online.com/
- Search engine, educational (linking teachers to materials): www.thegateway.org 
- Search engine, literary (run by noted online literature mag.): www.pilot-search.com
- Sophocles, Antigone: http://classics.mit.edu/sophocles/antigone.html.  Notes on Antigone: www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~taxias/antigone  
- Speeches, PBS, from past 80 years: www.pbs.org/greatspeeches/


- www.nybooks.com/nyrev  New York Review of Books ("ultimate guide")        
- www.ala.org/booklist  American Library Association's online Booklist magazine         
- www.bookwire.com/bbr Boston Book Review
- www.nytimes.com/books The New York Times Book Review        
- www.bookpage.com.  "A great mainstream review site."
- www.bookwire.com/hmr Hungry Mind Review
- www.themysteryreader.com for mystery fans; divided into categories
- The Romance Reader: companion site to www.themysteryreader.com
- Atlantic Monthly
- Bookreporter.com
- Boston Globe Book Reviews
- Boston Book Review
- Los Angeles Times Book Reviews
- London Review of Books
- Washington Post Book World


- Literary terms: CyberEnglish  
- Miscellaneous: http://www.bookspot.com

Miscellaneous: www.loc.gov/international--"Global Gateway--World Culture & Resources"
- Miscellaneous: http://literature.com  
- Studying Literature (Mt. Mary College): http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1653/ 
- Writing about Literature (general): CollegeWriting.info, Purdue, The Sundance Reader  
- Writing a literary analysis: CollegeWriting.info  
- Writing a literary thesis: CollegeWriting.info  
- Writing a literary thesis statement: CollegeWriting.info, Colorado State   
- Writing poetry: http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/links_poets.html  
- Writing a review of literature: CollegeWriting.info, Wisconsin     

English Literature on the Web


British Authors
E-text Archives
Medieval (& Anglo-Saxon)
17th Century (& Renaissance)
18th Century (& Restoration)
19th Century (Romantics & Victorian)
Victorian Web Sites
20th Century

American Authors


Association for Scottish Literary Studies, The

Association of Literary Scholars and Critics, The

Author Search
[Great Writers and Poets] [Individual Author Guides]

AuthorsDen: Where Authors and Readers Come Together

Author Birthday/Website/Email Directory

Author Pseudonyms


Authors on the Web


Blue Web'n Applications Library

Children's Authors & Illustrators on the Web

Bibliotheca Anglica

Book Lovers: Fine Books and Literature

British Comparative Literature Association

British Periodicals at Minnesota

Canadian Association for Irish Studies, The

Children's Literature

Children's Authors and Illustrators: WWW Links

Children's Literature Web Guide

Elementary Language Arts Resources Public Domain Electronic Children's Books

Resources for Storytellers

Comparative Literature Worldwide

Contemporary Writers in the UK

Electronic Literary Studies (Stuart Curran, PENN)

Elecrtonic Poetry Center (Buffalo)

Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities

Emory Women Writers Resource Project

English Poetry Full-Text Database (E-Text, Univ. of Virginia)

Essential Comparative Literature, The (ECLAT)

FAQ - alt.hypertext

Fonts - Yahoo

Great Books, The

Great Books Index

Great Writers and Poets

Humanities Text Initiative (University of Michigan)

Hypertext Literature Bibliography

Index - Directory of Romance Authors

Index of Poets, An (Ian Lancashire at the University of Toronto)

Index - Poetry on the Web

Index of linked poems

Individual Author Guides

Inspirational Books & Author Links (Scott William)

International Comparative Literature Association

Internet Sites Related To Electronic Literature, Choice Magazine

Introduction to Literature (John B. Padgett, Univ. of Mississippi)

Literary Index

Literary Liaisons

Literary Magazines / Journals

ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature


Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies (North Carolina State University)

Journal of Postmodern Culture (Virginia)

Kenyon Review

Literature Webliography

Nobel Prize in Literature Winners

Scottish Writers

Snakeskin Poetry Webzine

Stand Magazine

Literary Review

Literature Online (Chadwyck-Healey)

Literature Online

LitLinks (University of Alberta)

Open Directory Project

Pelagus - Literary Resources Offers a variety of literary resources, including many texts of classic English authors and western philosophers.

PoemHunter.Com - Thousands of poems and poets.. contains 25,457 poems from 4,198 poets..

Poetry-Lover's Guide To the World-Wide Web, A

Reader and Writers Search Engine, The

Religion and Literature

Representative Poetry

Research Association of African Literature, The (RAAL, Japan)

Richard Bear's (Univ. of Oregon)

Sonnet Central

Sound Eye (Irish poetry in the English language)

Virtual Seminars for Teaching Literature (Oxford)

Voice of the Shuttle (Alan Liu, UCSB)



WWW Resources for English and American Literature

Yamada Language Guides (Font)

E-Text Archives

Books On-line [Authors][Titles][New Listings][Banned Books On-line]

CELT - Corpus of Electronic Texts

Collection of E-text Archives

Online Book Initiative

On-Line Books [Author Search][Title Search]

Oxford Text Archive


Women and Literature

Medieval (& Anglo-Saxon)

Arthurian Studies

The Truth About King Arthur?

Labyrinth, The (Georgetown)

Medieval Cultural Studies: A Basic Reading List

Medieval Women: Tradition and Counter-Tradition (Deborah Everhart, Georgetown)

Middle English Collection, The (Virginia)

Online Medieval and Classical Library

Pre-1600 English BalladsA>

17th Century (& Renaissance)

Center for Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Studies, The

Early Modern England Source

Electronic Sites for Research

English Literature: Early 17th Century (Luminarium)

Introduction to Renaissance Studies (Rebecca Bushnell & Jamey Saeger, PENN)


On-Line Literary Resources: Renaissance (UPENN)

Oxford Renaissance Gopher Menu

Renaissance English Literature


17th-Century Resources (Oxford Gopher)

William Shakespeare

18th Century (& Restoration)

eighteenth-century novel, The

Gothic Literature

Leeds Database of Verse (Database of English poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries) (login = bcmsv; password = bcmsv)

Making the Modern Reader

Pope and Swift (John Richetti, Penn)

Stanford Seminar on Enlightenment and Revolution (Michael Marrinan)

19th Century (Romantics and Victorian)

Canonical British Novels of the Nineteenth Century

CETH: Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (Rutgers and Princeton)

Eastgate on the Web (Primary Sources for Serious Hypertext)

Gothic Fiction (David Miall, Alberta)

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth Century Studies (Notre Dame)

Literary Criticism

19th Century British Authors

19th Century Resources (Gopher)

Romanticism: CD-ROM

Victorian Hyper-Concordance

Victorian Literary Studies Archive, The

The Victorian Society in America

Victorian Web Sites

Victorian Women Writers Project, The (Perry Willett, Indiana U.)

20th Century

Literature and the Modern World

Modern Fiction Studies

On-Line Literary Resources: Twentieth-Century

Postmodernism and Literary Criticism and Theory Discussion

Twentieth-Century Poetry in English (Kobe University)



Children's Literature Links

Aesops Fables Online Collection
More than 600 fables. The tales are listed alphabetically with the moreal of each story beside its title.

ALA - Booklist and Book Awards
A listing of many award categories and winners--from ALA. Includes Alex Awards, Michael L. Printz Award, Best Books for Young Adults, Books for the College Bound and many more.

ALSC Notable Children's Books
From ALA.

Award winner, genres, reading initiatives like Reading By 9.

Caldecott Medal Home Page
A listing of all award winners since 1938 plus honor books.

Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
A great site for literature units and ideas and author/illustrator information.

Children's Literature Web
Author and illustrator information, reading lists, award winner, storytelling, reader's theatre, and literature units are some of the resources available here. This is one of the best children's literature sites on the web.

Coretta Scott King Award
A history of the award and past and current winners.

Good Reading
"101 Significant Books," "A Short List of Books to Read on Vacation," "A Short List of Books to Read Before Entering College," and "A Short List of Books to Read After Retirement."

International Reading Association

The Internet Classic Archive
A list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors.

National Book Awards
Check out the section for children's winners.

Nancy J. Keane's Children's Literature Webpage
These short booktalks are intended to be used by library personnel and teachers. Currently, there are over 5000 booktalks in the database. Some include grade Interest Level (IL) and grade Reading Level (RL) of the books

Newbery Medal Home Page
A listing of all award winners since 1929 as well as honor books.

Reading Resources and literary units of approximately 75 of the most commonly studied authors for middle school and high school.

Online Literary Criticism Collection
The Internet Public Library's Literary Criticism collection offers a fast and easy way to find criticism and biographical information for over 100 authors and their works. This is a particularly great source for secondary schools.

On-Lion Recommended Reading
From The New York Public Library, this is a listing of many recommended children's books including "100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know."

Reading Rainbow

Simple Things You Can Do To Help All Children Read Well and Independently by the End of the Third Grade
Part of the America Reads website, this has tips for educators and parents to promote literacy.

Stories and Fairy Tales Theme Page
Links to fairy tales to many countries around the world.

Story Hour
From the Internet Public Library-- you can read popular stories online. Stories include various Mother Goose tales and popular fairy tales.

Trelease-On Reading
Jim Trelease's site. He has the COOLEST ideas about displaying books using rain gutters. Lesley has indicated that she will provide the funding for any librarian in our district who wants to install them

Book Sites

Advanced Book Exchange
Out of print books.

Amazon Books
Order books online. Reviews. Author info.

Features, reviews, original fiction, author interviews, etc.

Book Search
Out of print books.

Children's Book Council
Teacher's pages and author/illustrator info.


(подлинники и переводы)

Арнольд Д.Берримен Д. 

Брайант У.К.

Бротиган Р.

Буковски Ч.

Гарт Ф.Б.

Гинзберг А. 

Джаррелл Р.

Джефферс Р.

Джонс Л. Р.

Ди Прима Д.

Дикинсон Э. 

Каммингс Э.Э.

Кауфман Б.

Корсо Г.

Крейн Х.

Левертов Д.

Лонгфелло Г.

Маклиш А.

Мастерс Э.Л.

Мур М.

Нэш О.

Оден У.Х. 

Паунд Э.

Плат С. 

По Э.А. 

Ретке Т. 

Робинсон Э.А.

Стивенс У. 

Сэндберг К.

Тейт А. 

Уильямс У.К.

Уитмен У.

Уиттьер Д.Г.

Уэлч Л.

Ферлингетти Л.

Фрост Р. 

Хьюз Л.

Элиот Т.С. 

Эмерсон Р.У.


The Academy of American Poets - Organization presenting poems, biographies of poets, historical and thematic poetry exhibits, events calendars, discussion forums and contest information.

Classical Poetry & Poets - Devoted to traditional poets and poetry including Dickinson and Shakespeare. Includes online forums, commentary and links.

DayPoems - A random walk through eight centuries of English-language verse, updated daily. Visitors can add their poems by email, and webmasters can link to individual poems. Indexed by poet and title. Illustrated.

EnviroArts - Emphasizes the literary and visual arts in relation to nature, with poetry and essays by contemporary authors (culled mostly from the pages of Orion and Orion Afield magazines--which co-sponsor this site) and information on historic naturalism and naturalist literature.

Erin's Poetry Palace - A personal website devoted to poetry, these pages include several sections devoted to specific poets, a large selection of texts of favorite poems, essays on the reading, study and discussion of poems, and a small but discriminating selection of links to poetry-related websites on the Internet.

Forgotten Ground Regained - Webzine and poetry resource offering original poems, essays, translations and links to alliterative poems, original medieval epics and verse romances.

Glossary of Poetic Terms - "A unique guide for the study of poetry, with an extensive range of definitions, cross-references between related terms, informative sidelights, hyperlinked keywords, phonetic pronunciation guides and numerous examples."

Inspired Poems - A bilingual English and German anthology of poems inspired by other poems and poets.

Online Poetry Database - Read feature poems, see user-submitted poetry videos and browse through a directory of famous poets.

Passions in Poetry - Archive of contemporary and user-submitted poetry with categories dedicated to love, sadness, friendship and life.

Poem of the Day - At killdevilhill.com. Features an online chat, and users can sign up to have the selected poem automatically delivered to their mailboxes daily.

Poems for a Long Winter's Night - A selection of poems about winter, snow, and ice from Charles Baudelaire, Yves Bonnefoy, John Hollander, Victor Hugo, Gail Mazur, Robert Pack, and Paul Verlaine.

Poetry at BellaOnline - Resource offers archived features, categorized links and recommended reading.

A Poetry-Lover's Guide to the World Wide Web - Personal collection of links to online texts and resources of traditional and "imagist" poetry.

Tangerine - Includes sections on poetic forms, famous poets, links to poetry related resources.



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