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Germanistik im Internet / Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg - Institut für Germanistik

Berliner Zimmer - Der Salon im Netz ( Literatur im Internet, Kunst aus Berlin und nützliche Links )
Das Berliner Zimmer ist ein virtueller Salon. Das Berliner Zimmer informiert über die deutschsprachige Literatur im Internet. Im Berliner Zimmer stellen Berliner Künstler ihre Arbeiten aus. In ihrer Datenbank kann man sich über 400 kommentierte Links zur deutschsprachigen Literatur im Internet nach verschiedenen Merkmalen sortiert anzeigen lassen. Das Berliner Zimmer ist öffentlich, aber privat.

Internet Resources for Germanists

Literatur - Portal   Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach

Olivers Links zur Literatur

Yahoo! Arts > Humanities > Literature > Authors

Links zu Online-Texten der deutschen und ins Deutsche übersetzten Literatur
seit 1998 gesammelt von Helmut Schulze

Literaturgeschichte - Jahrhundertwende

Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin Fachreferat Germanistik: Fachbezogene Quellen im Internet, nützliche Links für Germanisten

INNSBRUCKER ZEITUNGSARCHIV zur deutsch- und fremdsprachigen Literatur

German 380 2oTh-Century German Literatur

Die Literatur-Webseite vom Deutschlandfunk

Deutsch multimedial / Linksammlung für das Fach Deutsch

Exilpresse digital -- Deutsche Exilzeitschriften 1933-1945

Die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Germanistik - Germanistik im Netz (GiN)!

Literaturgeschichte in Grundzügen - Wolfgang Pohl

Projekt Gutenberg-DE
Die digitale Bibliothek Mit dem Projekt Gutenberg-DE ermöglichen wir eine ganz neue Form des Zugangs zur Literatur. Unsere Leser können Bücher "online" lesen, nach bestimmten Büchern suchen oder in Bibliotheken stöbern

Die Bibel nach der Übersetzung Martin Luthers in der revidierten Fassung von 1984.

Biographien im Netz
Diese Seite ist auf Biographien in deutscher Sprache spezialisiert. Sie bietet neben einer Suchmaschine und einer ausführlichen Linksammlung ein eigenes Archiv.

Leselupe - Literatursuchmaschine

rechercheportal.de - Biographien finden

Biographical Dictionary


Goethes Werke im Internet

Goethe Bytes
umfangreiche Biografie und Werkübersicht Goethes, Kurzbeschreibungen der 50 wichtigsten Personen in seiner Umgebung. Viele Links zu Goethe und seinen Werken.

Schiller-Nationalmuseum / Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach am Neckar

Lyrikline -- die Plattform für die Stimmen deutschsprachiger Lyriker und Lyrikerinnen in einem Tonarchiv

Ausgewählte Lyrik deutschsprachiger Dichterinnen

Lyrik Schwarz Weiß - Das moderne Forum für Literatur

Musik: Lyrics
310.000 Songtexte, 600 Tabs & Akkorden, News aus der Musikszene und einigen CD-Reviews

LYRIKwelt - das Internetforum für Gedichte, Reime, Verse...


Gedichte Lyrik Poesie
thematisch geordnet - Poetische Kostbarkeiten bedeutender Dichter
Liebesgedichte, Naturlyrik, Balladen, Sonette, Sinn-und Lehrgedichte für alle Anlässe, Gelegenheiten, Feste.

virtuelles Liederbuch von Markomannia

Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift (Codex Manesse)

Literatur-Seite von Helmut Kerber

OCLC Databases and FirstSearch Databases by Topic
FirstSearch offers more than 75 databases in 15 topic areas. Some databases fall into more than one topic area.

Projekt Muse -- Scholarly Journals Online
Project MUSE provides online, worldwide, institutional subscription access to the full text of over 100 scholarly journals in the arts and humanities, social sciences and mathematics

The Oxford Text Archive
The OTA works closely with members of the Arts and Humanities academic community to collect, catalogue, and preserve high-quality electronic texts for research and teaching. The OTA currently distributes more than 2500 resources in over 25 different languages

Freiburger Anthologie -- Gedichte 1720-1900
Das Projekt Freiburger Anthologie beinhaltet die wichtigsten literarischen Texte der Klassikerzeit (1720-1900).

Electronic Text Collections in Western European Literature
Western European Studies Section - Association of College and Research Libraries

Literaturwissenschaftliche Rezensionen(Lirez)
'Literaturwissenschaftliche Rezensionen (Lirez)' ist ein Portal, das dem Zugriff auf Fachrezensionen im Volltext dient. Die Rezensionen entstammen eigenständigen Fachorganen und unterschiedlichen Anbietern. In Kooperation mit deren Redaktionen beobachten Fachreferenten die Neuerscheinungen in ihrem Interessengebiet, initiieren und betreuen die Besprechungen. Mit Hilfe von Lirez werden Fachinformationen verschiedener Herkunft unter einer Adresse und in einer einheitlichen Systematik schnell, global und kostenfrei kommuniziert.

Deutsche Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts im Volltext

Autoren und Autorinnen mit weiterführenden Links

Deutschland erlesen
Literarische Deutschlandkarte des Goethe-Instituts mit Texten und Informationen zu den jeweiligen LiteratInnen.

Audiobooks in German language

Hoerjuwel.de: Germany's finest audiobooks (www.hoerjuwel.com) Internet audiobookshop offers a wide variety of audiobooks in German language, radioplays and readings also in other languages.

Vorleser.net: Here are many mp3 audiobooks for free to download

Literary Texts Online

Leselupe.de - Literature Online on one of the biggest and oldest Literaturecommunities from Germany. Puplish your own stories, read more than 50,000 short stories and poems of more 3,500 writers and improve your writing skills in the writing workshops.

The "Project Gutenberg" is probably one of the most important homepages about German Literature. It contains texts in German from more than 400 classical authors. At the moment over 50.000 text- and pic-files are collected in this archive, and month by month more than 5.000 sites will be added.

In this text gallery, you will find poems, stories, thrillers, satires, plays, essays, comments and links to "literature in the net"

Collection of important German ballads

Collection of German Dada-Poems

Collection of German parodies

Short novels in the 19th century: A collection of summaries, sometimes with additional material

Radio Plays: Homepage with all information about the genre, including real Audio files

Erotic Literature: a collection of stories and poems (for learners over 18)

Swiss Authors at Athena: here you will find e.g. texts from Rousseau, Calvin, and Gottfried Keller (Université de Genève)

Literaturport.de has been launched in 2006, it is one of the leading sources on contemporary German-speaking literature. Especially three features are especially useful for German studies outside of Germany. First, there is the "Autorenlexikon", a dictionary of contemporary German-speaking authors. The category "Autorentöne" is an audio archive with extracts of some of the latest literary publications in Germany. It is cost-free to listen as well as to download audio files, which give a short insight into these stories. There even is a subcategory called "Autorenstimmen", authors' voices, which exclusively lists audio extracts read out by the author him- or herself. Thirdly, there is a special treat for all Berlin tourists.

Catalogue of Authors, short introduction in life and work

Biographical short information about German authors
The international counterpart "project Athena" offers information about Authors & texts

German Writers and their works: a useful Homepage with well structured information

Classics of German Literature and their work, detailed illustration of contents and background

The work of alphabetically arranged Poets as well as links to biographical information

Poets and their work, indexed by epoch

Authors and their work, indexed by genre

Lexicon of German Thriller Authors, short biographies and content

Single Authors (subjective selection of the "most important", for information about all the others please refer to the Catalogue of Authors mentioned above)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang:

Goethe-Society of North-America: English information about the probably best known German Writer

J.W. von Goethe: interesting homepage about "the person" Goethe

Goethe bytes: detailed illustration of Goethe's life and work, his time and environment, and more, continuously updated

Schiller, Friedrich: English homepage about the contemporary and friend of Goethe, important dramatist of the 18th century ("Maria Stuart", "Wallenstein")

Fontane, Theodor: one of the most important German Writers, author of "Effi Briest", "Frau Jenny Treibel" and other novels portraying society in the 19th century

Hesse, Hermann: poet and novelist ("Steppenwolf"), who has depicted in his work the individual's spiritual search outside restrictions of the society.

Jünger, Ernst: English information about one of the most controversial writers in the 20th century, currently criticized for his behaviour during the Third Reich.

Kafka, Franz: American homepage from students about one of the most mysterious German-speaking writers

Mann, Heinrich: important author of the 20th century. He wrote well known novels like "Small town tyrant" and "The blue Angel", criticizing the undemocratic and authoritarian mentality of the German society. Therefore he got in conflict with his brother

Mann, Thomas: winner of the nobel award for his famous "Buddenbrocks". By the time, Mann developed from a conservative monarchist to a strong democrat

Rilke, Rainer Maria: excellent illustration of biography, work (full text), letters and so on. Especially famous for "Malte Laurids Brigge" and the touching poem "The Panther"

Brecht, Berthold: probably best known German dramatist of the 20th century ("The Threepenny Opera", English information delivered from the International Bert Society

Mark Twain's essays about German

History of Literature

Epochs of German Literature, detailed information

Facts about German Literature, informative collection

German Literature in categories: history of literature, studio for old German literature, German Theater after 1945, ...

From Romantic to Realism

German Literatur in Prague: introduction into the literary life in Prague, that once belonged to German territory and was the home of various well known German writers

German Literature in the 20th century with information about authors, work and background

Magazines for Literature and other links

German Magazines of Literature in the web

Extensive collection of links to Magazines

Perlentaucher: daily overview about the Feuilleton of the German Press

House of Literature, e.g. with reviews of current German novels, literature data warehouses, portraits of authors and publishing houses

Spress Webguide for German Literature

Deutschlandfunk: German radio station for German speakers abroad. Information about programme, reviews, interviews, 'real audio' voices of writers, ...

German studies in the web: extensive site with really everything students of German language and literature science are looking for (University of Erlangen)

Internet-Accessible Texts in German, English homepage with Links to Literature in the net, scientific discussions, magazines, ...

The World Wide Web Virtual Library: the literature section of the Virtual Library. Nearly everything that exists somewhere in the net can be found here.

Dimension2: English magazine about contemporary German Literature

Museum online: excellent collection of information about biographies, chronicles, documents, audio's etc. concerning "Germany and the Germans"


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