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Классическая музыка он-лайн

Classical Live Online Radio

NPR Station Locator
Wisconsin Public Radio
XM Satellite Radio
Sirius Satellite Radio
National Public Radio
BBC Radio 3
Classic FM UK
ABC Classic FM
CBC for Kids
Classical Live Online Radio
The Classical Music Beat
Classical Online Radio

и еще!

Real Audio broadcasts on the Net  

Complete list of Music Information Centres

UK Concert finder   and What's on Stage (UK) includes Classical listings

On-Line free scores

World Concert Artists Directory     

Deaths: Musicians who died

Academy of Digital Music   HEAR some music!
The Classical MIDI archive   HEAR some more music! (much has been removed because of copyright problems but there is still a lot there)
AFIM Association For Independent Music (US)
Al Segno (New) Composer profiles etc.
Alternate Music Press     On-line multimedia magazine of New Music   HEAR yet more music!
Amadeus Equipment for musicians everything from banners to complete rooms (UK)
Anthology of Russian and East-Slavonic Sacred music
Arts and Letters Daily News and Reviews - see also the daily Music and Vision
Arts Festivals (UK)
Arts Journal.com
Arts Online  Arts Council of England
Audiophile Edition
The Binaural Source
Bach Cantatas website
Basso Moderno Duo
Andrys Basten web - a useful set of musical and non-musical links
BBC Building a library recommended recordings
The Boeing Employees Choir USA

Brodsky Quartet
British Library http://www.bl.uk/ http://www.bl.uk/newhome.html
Cadenza UK site specialising in contemporary and classical music and in resources for musicians

The Century List  Frank J. Oteri's 100 reasons to play this century's  (American) music
Churchill Society Music Department
City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society
Classical DJ - a world-wide list of on-line radio stations
Classical Connections from Canadian enthusiast Danielle Keefler
Classical Guitar
Classical Guitar midi archives of François Faucher
Classical Hub USA
Classical music Information Centre Japan
Classical Music Navigator
Classical Music Online Free Samples Tracks for all Genres / Categories.
Classical.com The world's favourite classical music subscription offering online listening, downloads, custom CDs, and a huge resource of entertaining information to expand your classical musicknowledge.

ClassicalUSA.com     Paul Bakers links page
Classical Music Resources in London
Classical MusicUK Simon Hewitt Jones' site for musicians
Classical Net Dave Lampson
Classical Notes Peter Gutman
Classical Sheet Music Downloads® Italian site selling downloadable sheet music
Classical Source
Classical USA
Classiccat Directory of Classical mp3 downloads
ClassicOL musicians sign-up site
ClassicWeb     Instrument and jobs marketplace. Education programmes, Festivals etc.
Classics Today  Ed. David Hurwitz  David Vernier
Concert Artists Directory
Concert and Programme notes  Basil Ramsey - cheap
Concert Finder (UK)
Conductors website run by Isolde E Ruck

Discographies (in French)
Discover Classics
Doctoral Dissertations on-line Indiana University. Not quite as good as it sounds. Only the titles are available on line although the dissertaions may be bought on microfilm
British Double Reed Society
Double Bass Page
Bruce Duffie - Broadcaster
Early English Musick
English Folk Dance and Song Society
European Music Journal Pedagogical
European Opera Centre Opportunities for singers on the threshold of their careers
eClassical.com  Let Giovanni give you a personal answer to your musical questions.
         Early Music labels
www.everynote.com sheet music downloads
Fanfare US Review magazine
Federation of Recorded Music Societies (UK based)
Festivals in the UK

Flemish Opera
Fleximusic Audio Editor Shareware Music Software
Evelyn Glennie    includes a page of percussion links
Bronislaw Gimpel archives
Global Music Network
Glossary of Musical Terms (part of HNH site)
Great Voices of Bulgaria
Gregorian Chant Page at Princeton University
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians     
Thomas Hampson  Baritone
Hymn Tune Index
Iberian and Latin American Music Society
Ictus Brussels based but internationally touring contemporary music ensemble
Impulse Classical Music Website     Contemporary Classical Music
Incorporated Society of Musicians

International Guitar Festival of Great Britain
Internet Public Library : Music History
The Journal of Music in Ireland

La Scala Italian and English
La Scena Musicale  Canadian Classical web-site

Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre
Living at the Opera Nicholas del Vecchio
Lotte Lehmann web site
Male Soprano & Altos
Microsound Lifelike classical computer music 
Musenet An Internet funnel for professional musicians
Music and Vision - an internet music magazine
MusicClassical.com from CDNow
Music Teachers.co.uk
Musicians Benevolent Fund

Musopen Public Domain music
Morgensterns diary service for professional musicians (UK)
Music History
Music-Now Purchase downloads of contemporary music
Music Resources on the Internet
Music Web Hunter  A Guide to most of the major music sources and search engines on the internet
NET4MUSIC digitized sheet music etc.
New Classics British CD review site
New Front Ears - Simon Barrow
New Zealand Music - Peter Menchen's review site
Mark Obert-Thorn Recording Engineer specializing in transfers from 78s
The Opera Critic Collects reviews from world press
The Opera Group UK contemporary Opera
Opera database  UK site for streaming video Opera, ballet etc.
OperaGlass  Opera links page Libretti etc

Performing Artists Their web pages, their pronunciation! composer listings etc.
Piano Passion
Piano Society
The PIPE List "Period Instrument Performance Ensembles" Brad Leissa
Prism Quartet
Programme and Concert notes  Basil Ramsey - cheap
ProMusic.Find.com International retail site for collectors
Pronouncing Dictionary of Music and Musicians
ResMusica, des siècles de musique classique no translation available.
Teatro Massimo in Palermo Celebrating its Centenary
The Symphony - an interactive guide  From te Thinkquest library
The President's Own US Marine Band
PSAPPHA Psappha is the only professional contemporary music and music-theatre ensemble in the North of England.
San Francisco Classical Voice - Webzine
Schubertline  The on-line score service for singers
Scores: On-line free scores
Scott's Home Page:

Britten and Callas and other composers: Matthew Field, Simon Gray, Jeff Harrington,Paul Lansky, Colin Reed, Craig Weston, Christopher Yavelow

Search-beat Classical One-stop classical directory

Sheet Musicplus.com
Jos Smeets Classical composer database      This will become a massive database
Spiral Classics  Classical LPs
Spitalfields Festival
Splendid Daily e-zine for New Music

Stokowski Society
Evgeny Svetlanov
Swedish Music Information Centre
Sydney Opera House
Symphonic Workshop Workshops for conductors, singers and can provide an orchestra for recording purposes
TEORIA An interesting interactive musical theory site
British Trombone Society
UK Sounds Free website for up and coming composers to display their music
Unknown Composers Page by Jim Moskowitz
WALES Guild for the promotion of Welsh music
Sarah Walker Fun Site
Warwick Arts Society
Warwick University Music Centre
What's on Stage (UK) includes Classical listings

Zarzuela.net Christopher Webber

Real Audio Radio Stations
Comprehensive listing at Radio-locator   classicalwebcast.com

Absolute Radio
Audio Net radio links

BBC Radio 3
Beethoven - a Best of the Web pick
Columbia University New York

WITF Central Pennsylvania
Operadio broadcasts 10 channels of continuous music over the Internet 24 x 365


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